
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Designed by Mother Nature and by God It's CAMOUFLAGE, CAMOUFLAGE"

So, today I ditched all plans I had for Jaden's school work and we were spontaneous and had so much fun. I am so sorry to say this, lol, but all I could think of when we were learning about what we did is the song by Brad Paisley, "Camouflage".  I love the part of the song, which I actually used as the title of this note: ""Designed by Mother Nature and by God It's CAMOUFLAGE, CAMOUFLAGE".  I rather like the part too: "The only thing as patriotic As the old red, white and blue It's green and gray and black And brown and tan all rolled into Camouflage, camouflage".

Anyways, back to our day.  It was a totally neat day with Jaden, even with that song rolling through my head (which by the way it does make me laugh)!  I had originally planned to have him do some work out of his workbooks and I wanted to throw in a fun activity too.  I was thinking I was going to do something with Science today.  I came across a neat Science idea for teaching camouflage, and even better was the fact that I had all the supplies on hand to put the Science idea together and it took very little effort to put it together.  Also, I managed to keep Kya and Sierra happy while teaching him, which is a bonus!
I set out to find yellow, black and red construction paper.  I grabbed two pieces of yellow and one of black and red.  Using one piece of each color of paper, I cut out a bunch of rectangles (you save one of the pieces of yellow for a background which represents the idea of camouflage).  After cutting them out, I placed the yellow background in front of Jaden and arranged the same number of different color rectangles on the yellow piece of paper.  Then, I set the timer in the kitchen for 10 seconds, focused in my camera, pushed the start button and raced out to the dining room to take some pictures of Jaden in action.  The point of this Science idea was to have Jaden pick up rectangles one at a time and he was to pick up as many as he could in 10 seconds.  Typically, ones eyes will be drawn to the red and black rectangles first over the yellow because the yellow rectangles are "camouflaged".
Jaden had a blast!  After that, I made up a graph and had him chart how many rectangles of each color he picked out.  I also had him total up the amount of rectangles he picked up (hooray for getting Math and Science in so far out of this little Camouflage Science Idea)!
Oh, did I forget to mention I found coloring sheets online that were bugs?  He colored a caterpillar, a dobson fly, a cicada, and he also has a katydid to color.  How is that for art?  We also started this whole lesson out by talking about what kind of clothes his Daddy wears to work- CAMOUFLAGE- and how God created different animals to have the ability to blend into their surroundings to protect themselves (yay for Bible too).   We spent time talking about why animals are camouflaged and why people in the military wear camouflage.
After graphing, I had plans to have him do some Language Arts.  He told me he was going to make an animal out of the pieces of construction paper I cut.  So, of course, I got him set up with more construction paper and a glue stick and let him express his creativity.  He made a lion.
It was such a fun day!  Jaden got to be creative, we got Science, Art, Math, Bible, and Language Arts out of one simple Science idea on camouflage and Kya and Sierra were happy the whole time because I gave them crayons, a coloring sheet, and their own little camouflage background with rectangles too and all of this got finished just in time for a nap for Kya and Sierra! :)  What an awesome day!  And, yes, I did go listen to the song Camouflage, by Brad Paisley!  

*The Camouflage Science Idea was taken from:*